Host Agreement
Welcome to Kvation!
This electronic marketplace will enable you and/or your company (“vendor” “host”) to rent out your properties and services efficiently and competitively over the Internet private persons and companies. This marketplace is operated by Kvation, Inc. (“Kvation”).
The Kvation Marketplace will provide to participating vendors/hosts access to solicitations from all participating private person and comanies across the global, country on a local, state, regional or national basis.
In using this marketplace website or app , it is important that you understand the nature of the marketplace and certain terms and conditions that govern its use. Your acknowledgment of this agreement and your subsequent use of this site constitute your agreement to these terms and conditions, which are stated below. Before conducting sales and maintenance activities, you will be asked to confirm this agreement the first time you login to the marketplace.
In using this site, you (vendor and individual authorized user) agree to the following:
Conduit Services Only
The Housing Agency Marketplace provides only an Internet conduit through which you may communicate the availability of your goods, rentals and services to persons and companies, in order to communicate their rental needs to you, and for you to respond to questions, rentals, payments or disputes in an electronic format when asked for by the participating person or company. You understand, however, that this site operates only as a venue for entering into these transactions and that the participating persons or company are not controlled by Kvation. Accordingly, Kvation makes no representation of any kind concerning the transactional history or financial stability of persons or companies.
Buyer Representations and Warranties
Kvation does not verify or vouch for the information supplied or representations made by agencies, companies, hosts, users on this site and make no warranty of any kind to you concerning any person or company utilizing this marketplace. You must look solely to the person or company with respect to any person or company information, representations and warranties. Therefore: 1) Kvation DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATING TO ANY TRANSACTION ENTERED INTO BETWEEN AND PARTICIPATING AGENCY, COMPANY, PERSON AND A VENDOR, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR INTENDED USE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS; AND 2) KVATION FURTHER DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, CONCERNING INFORMATION SUPPLIED, OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE, BY ANY AGENCY, COMPANY, OR PERSON.
Coded Access
The Kvation website and app is available only to registered hosts. Accordingly, access to the marketplace is limited to hosts having assigned user codes and passwords. In addition, only authorized host personnel who hold individual authorization for the user codes and passwords may make sales on the marketplace. You agree not to divulge your host access, user, password or any individual authorization code to anyone outside of yourself or your company. If you allow either user or password to fall into the hands of an unauthorized person, Kvation has no way of detecting unauthorized use of your codes and is not responsible for such unauthorized use of the marketplace. PLEASE SAFEGUARD YOUR ACCESS AND AUTHORIZED USERS. Unauthorized users of this marketplace may be subject to both civil and criminal prosecution under state and federal law.
Availability of the Site
While every effort will be made to keep the site operating during all scheduled hours of operation, no guarantee of uninterrupted operation can be given. You agree that the services provided on this site are provided as is and that neither you nor your company will have any claim against Kvation as a result of any non-availability of the site at a particular time or times or any failure of the marketplace to operate as intended
Vendor Responsibility
You understand and agree that you assume full and sole responsibility for the use of this site. If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of this site or the services it provides, your remedy is to either cease using the site or to deliver to Kvation any recommendations for improving the marketplace website or app. YOU AGREE THAT YOU HAVE, AND WILL HAVE, NO CLAIM OR RIGHT OF ACTION OF ANY KIND AGAINST KVATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE KVATION MARKETPLACE WEBSITE OR APP OR YOUR USE OF THIS MARKETPLACE WEBSITE OR APP.
Information You Provide
You agree that any information you provide about yourself or your company when registering to use Kvation or subsequent to registration is true, accurate, current, and complete and that you will maintain and update that information to ensure that it remains true, accurate, current and complete. If Kvation suffers any claim or incurs any liability as a result of (i) information entered into the site by users of your company’s account or (ii) a breach of any warranty you make to any agency, your company will indemnify Kvation against such claim or liability including costs and attorneys fees incurred in defending against it.
Kvation uses industry-standard security measures, including encryption, to safeguard any information you may provide to us on our website. Your and/or Your company has the responsibility to manage your internal security by safeguarding your and/or your company’s password and establishing your own internal security procedures. to assure the proper use of the marketplace website and app. In the event of any compromise in the security of the marketplace website app, you agree to immediately report the same to Kvation and a new password will be assigned for your and/or your company’s use. However, please remember that perfect security does not exist on the Internet, and Kvation does not and cannot guarantee that information will in all cases remain secure.
Responsibility for Sales Activities
You agree that the full responsibility for the sales process lies with you and/or your company. It is solely your responsibility when using this marketplace website or app to comply with all applicable local, state and federal statutes, ordinances, regulations, and policies governing the sales of goods, rentals, or services by you or your company. Kvation shall have no responsibility for ensuring that sales of goods, property rentals, or services using this marketplace website or app will comply with such laws, ordinances, regulations, and policies. As in a paper sales transaction, the host, in using the marketplace, has the responsibility solely and exclusively for the sale including, but not limited to, the following:
- Preparing and assuring the completeness of any bookings, or rentals
- Sales, housing, and hotel tax for your rentals per the requirements of your property’s location laws, tax rates, and regulations
- Compliance with all applicable legal requirements
- Establishing and adhering to the terms and conditions of contracts
- Assuring proper authorization to enter into a booking and rental and the proper administration of any resulting booking and rental
- Maintaining the security and the integrity of the booking and rental process
Booking and Payments
a. Guests agree to provide accurate and up-to-date payment information when making a booking through the Marketplace. The Marketplace will securely process the payment on behalf of the host.
b. By confirming a booking, guests authorize the Marketplace to charge their credit card, ACH (eCheck), Zelle, or another form of payment for the total amount specified, including any applicable taxes, fees, and additional charges disclosed by the host.
c. In the event of a credit card dispute initiated by a guest, the Marketplace reserves the right to investigate the matter and mediate between the host and guest. However, guests understand that any refund or resolution is ultimately subject to the host’s cancellation policy and the Marketplace’s discretion.
d. Hosts agree to receive payments for their accommodations through the Marketplace. Once a booking is confirmed and completed, the Marketplace will remit the host’s payment, minus any applicable service fees or commissions, according to the agreed payout schedule.
e. Hosts understand and agree that the Marketplace will handle all guest payments and will not be held liable for any guest credit card or another form of payment disputes or chargebacks. Hosts are responsible for addressing any guest concerns or issues promptly and working towards a resolution in good faith.
f. If a host cancels a booking, after its payment has been settled, host is resposbile for the payment processing cost, and if a host cancels a booking that the Kvation team feels is in bad faith, it may decide to charge a peneltiy if the host wants to remain a Kvation host.
g. If the Kvation team feels a host isn’t working in good faith, Kvation holds the right to termiate the host listing page and take any applicable action that the Kvation team feels it should and desires to.
Disclosure of Fees
There are no costs for a host to receive booking and renatls from any one agency, person, or company. If you decide to select one of the other marketing levels, then you agree to pay the annual or monthly fee based on the Marketing Level you select. You agree to pay Kvation any yearly or monthly marketing / communication fees outlined on the Marketing Fee Information Page (coming soon). These fees are only for one year or month at a time. You will receive an invoice on the anniversary date, at which time you may decide whether to renew your membership for another year, or to decline. We do not retain Credit Card information. Kvation reserves the right to change its fees at any time for any reason; provided, however, that Kvation will give at least 30 days notice of such change.
Privacy Policy
you can go to our privacy policy page Kvation private-policy for how we handle information we learn about you from your visit to our site.
Reselling or Transfer
You agree not to resell or transfer your right to use the Kvation Marketplace website or app to anyone, and you will not allow your user access or password to be used by any other company or unauthorized person. If another person using your access code or password uses the marketplace, your company will be legally responsible for any contract or liability that may result from the use of your user access or password.
Access to Internet
You agree that in order to use this marketplace you must: 1) provide and pay for your own access to the Internet, and 2) provide all equipment necessary for you to make the connection to the Internet.
Interference with Others
You agree not to use the site in a manner that would restrict or inhibit any other party’s use of the services.
Copyright – How you May Use the Content of this Site
The content of this site (“Content”) is protected by copyright under both United States and foreign laws. You may download, use, and copy the materials found on the site for your private non-competitive use only, provided that all copies that you make of the material must bear any copyright (“Copyright © 2023, 2024 Kvation. All rights reserved.”), trademark, or other proprietary notice located on the site which pertains to the material being copied. This material is not for republication. Except as authorized in this paragraph, you are not being granted a license under any copyright, trademark, patent, or other intellectual property right in the material or the services, processes, or technology described therein. Kvation and/or any third party owner of such rights retain all such rights. Also you may not sell or modify the Content or reproduce, display, publicly perform, distribute, or otherwise use the Content in any way for any public or commercial purpose. The use of the Content on any other website or in a networked computer environment for any purpose is prohibited. None of the Content, including any software, may be reverse engineered, disassembled, decompiled, reproduced, transcribed, stored in a retrieval marketplace, translated into any language or computer language, retransmitted in any form or by any means, resold, or redistributed without the prior written consent of Kvation, except as described herein.
Nothing in this paragraph prohibits you from printing, using or reproducing any records or reports of your transactions using the Kvation website and app.
Framed Links
You may not create framed links to the site without express written permission from Kvation.
Kvation reserves the right to terminate your access to this marketplace website and app or to any or all of its services at any time. In event of such termination Kvation shall have no responsibility to notify any users of this marketplace website or app
Changes to Terms and Conditions of Use
Kvation may from time to time amend these Terms and Conditions of Use. In the event of any such amendment, you agree to check the terms regulary for changes. If there are any questions as to the amendment, you will need to contact customer or host support for clarification.
Law Applicable, Limitations
This site is controlled and operated by Kvation from its location in Rockland County, New York. These Terms and Conditions of Use should therefore be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without regard to any conflict of laws provisions. Exclusively the state court in Rockland County, New York or the U.S. District court for the District of New York shall resolve any dispute arising out of these terms and conditions. You agree that, notwithstanding any more permissive statute of limitations, you must file any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to your use of the site within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arises or be forever barred from doing so.
By you the Kvation website and app you agree on and on behalf of your company as a duly authorized agent to the above stated Terms and Conditions of Use, and will acknowledge this when first logging into the Kvation website or app. If you understand and agree to all the terms and conditions in this Host Agreement, then proceed forward with the sign up process online on Kvation website.
Last updated: Jun/21/2023